Welcome to the Forge! Goblin Forge was founded in 2004 by Zeboss, the Big Gob. In 2008, the goblins Talkarde and Ilui took up the torch. Goblin Forge aims to create figurines fantasy football. For this, we appeal to fans of talent often. Designers, sculptors and painters, many bring a bit of their know-how to forge ... We hope you enjoy with our figures! Good game! Goblin Forge is a web site administrated by the company Pilouface. Adress :
Pilouface 77 rue Montesquieu 47000 AGEN France
http://www.pilouface-agen.com/ Pilouface is an E.U.R.L. with a capital of 7500€ recorded at the RCS of Agen under the number SIRET : 505 083 337 is a trademark of PayPal Europe Limited. The personnal datas gathered on this web site are not redistributed to any other web sites. All the drawings (except contrary mentions), pictures and texts available on this web site are the property of Pilouface. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003018567454
Links are not active. Copy and paste the address into your browser. The webgobmaster.
: staff : Graphic designer : Sculptor : Painter
ZeBoss (founder) - http://www.annexeweb.com/
Talkarde - Stéphane Madani - http://www.pilouface-agen.com
ilui - Guillaume Bry - http://spartak73.over-blog.com/ Stéphane Bileau - http://bileau.over-blog.com/ Sylvain Quirion - http://sylvainquirion.perso.neuf.fr Jeff Rémi Gaël Goumon - http://mandragoreminiatures.free.fr Luc Trichet - http://figurinesmasters.blogspot.com P.F. Jacquet - http://pf.minis.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.html Madden - Mickaël Grandjean - http://www.gem-mini.com/ Kool Maneu Bragon - Jérémie Bonament Teboul - http://www.jeremiebt.com David Bax Gilko - Gilles Contentin - http://gilko-bloodbowl-mesfigurines.over-blog.com/ KanJ Jacky Molliet - http://www.cameleon-graphic.com/ Jérémie Vivet - http://giminiz.com/ Nicolas Petit Baboon - Alex Debriffe Daemslann - http://lestudian.pagesperso-orange.fr/ Quizz - Seb Vandemeulebrouck Elyoukey Mohand - http://www.mohand.fr